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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

WeatherCoats | NJ Weather: More storms ahead

After a round of severe weather today with multiple Tornado Warnings throughout the state and possibly a funnel cloud touchdown in Central Jersey, expect another round of severe weather for the next few days.  Things will begin to clear out for the weekend as the cold front clears the region.  Sunday and Monday will see sunshine, but there may be a system that could affect us late Tuesday into Wednesday.  The GFS Model shows a trailing cold front from a Low Pressure System in Canada that could trigger some showers.  Humidity levels will also rise a little for Tuesday and Wednesday, so do I dare say that there is a chance of a thunderstorm too?  We'll have to wait and see about that.

Looking Ahead:  Temperatures look to be rising at the beginning of next week with a chance of some rain too.  Then a cold front will move through and cool things down for the rest of the week.

Also a very interesting thing is appearing on the GFS Model.  If it's correct, it seems like there may be a tropical system forming in the Gulf near Texas by next week.  Granted, I know next to nothing about how tropical systems look on forecast models or how they're represented, but this system looks very interesting.  Take a look for yourself:
GFS Forecast Model - Thu 6/30/11 1800UTC (6pm)
The white arrows represent the wind direction and although all Low Pressure Systems in the North Hemisphere have a counterclockwise flow, this one looks a little different.  The size of the system is a bit smaller than the normal Mid-Latitude Cyclones (Low Pressure Systems), the isobars are close together, and the 12-hour precipitation graphic shows a lot of rainfall surrounding the Low.  In addition, if you go ahead another 24 hours, it seems like it makes "landfall" in Texas.  To me, these features add up to a tropical system.  However, the GFS this far out into the future is only somewhat accurate and has proven entirely misleading before.  In addition, tropical systems are very hard to predict.  We will just have to wait and see about this one...

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