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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fort Dix Radar to receive Dual-Polarization Upgrade!

Recently announced, the National Weather Service WSR-88D (weather service radar 1988 Doppler) Radar at Fort Dix in New Jersey will be receiving a Dual-Polarization Upgrade scheduled for January 30th - February 12th!  The Dual-Polarization (Dual-Pole) Upgrade will equip the Fort Dix Radar with the ability to detect hail in thunderstorms, differentiate between rain, snow, and melting snow, better detect patches of heavy rain, and detect debris lofted by significant tornadoes.  Currently we rely on a series of calculations, measurements, and observations to detect snowfall and simply color in radar images to identify those areas experiencing snowfall.  For more information about Dual-Pole, go to
Current Doppler Radar vs Dual Polarization Upgrade

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